Emotional Eating

Have you ever considered what it is that drives the desire to reach for comfort food in times when your body isn’t hungry yet cravings are kicking in?

✨ This is for spiritual women who wish to claim a deeper trust in their bodies and to feel comfortable and confident ✨

✨ Could this could be the time for you to shine brighter and rid the burden of emotional eating? ✨

Out of all the approaches to addressing health and eating habits Eloise has explored many, yet what has been missed has been the spiritual approach. The approach to being in tune with your very own body wisdom, the underlying emotions that are causing the cravings and learning to recognise the somatic insights your body is constantly showing you to escape from frustrating cycles of comfort eating. 

In this exploration we use the power of the group to amplify our experience, we work together as a team to uncover what habits and patterns we have adopted to understand ourselves when listening to each other to unravel our own awareness.

Hannah enrolled onto the course in January knowing she had some work to look into around her eating patterns that felt like they were connected to some emotions. It didn’t take long to realise that she had self sabotaging thoughts that berated, judged and derived her every waking moment. This awareness gave her opportunity to dissolve and transmute this to bring in new ways of caring for herself with more love and self acceptance, ultimately transforming her whole experience of life.

Any diets, exercise regimes, health-kicks that have come from managing health without tuning into your body wisdom are likely to have not worked long-term. So if in your past experience these ideas have felt hard to stick to, it isn’t your lack of will power, it’s your own wisdom knowing that it’s not right for you. 

The pressure and expectation that these approaches promise are missing a vital part of success. Controlling the outcome with a protocol from the mind trying to assign your body to, rather than finding what your body wants to assign to naturally.

The messages you’ve been given have probably felt confusing and conflicting in some way leaving you overwhelmed and beating yourself up even more than when you started.

Sound like you?

Since I had my first injury at the age of 14 which stopped me playing football, I then spent many years searching for the way that my body felt and looked before this. A feeling of being trapped in my body without being able to exercise.

Years later I studied nutrition and human health in the hope to find the answers I was looking for. A better way than starving myself, binge eating, making myself sick, taking water tablets, holding in my stomach. I tried to manipulate and control the way I felt about myself by attempting to control my body. The degree didnt give me the answers, it left me with more questions about the limitations of science and apparent awareness of difficulty finding truth of health in research papers; which were sponsored by pharmaceutical companies!

A realisation of needing to find my own answers. Over the last 10 years of self discovery and working with others, I continue to address emotional burdens, I’ve noticed the need to comfort eat has reduced and a correlation between these things has been evident.
Now my hypothesis becomes ‘what if excess weight is stored emotion?’ Then, what if we get to the root of that emotion?

I’m here to bring a special experience that has already changed lives, teaching people how to connect to their natural rhythms and intuition to overcome comfort eating patterns. Together in this course we explore:

🌱 Exposing unmet emotional needs creating desires to comfort eat.

🌱 Self-criticism and judgement and instead learn to love ourselves more fully.

🌱 Clearing out previous diet rules and habits, to build a solid foundation of truth.

🌱 How stress, tension and hormones impact our digestion.

🌱 Somatic healing and embodiment techniques to ease tension around the digestive system and to restore the trust within the mind-body connection.

🌱 Mastering our health from a place of pleasure not pressure. Love not fear.

🌱 How to align to the natural rhythms of the seasons, menstrual cycles and moon cycles.

🌱 A healing activation of the solar plexus; the core of our digestion, confidence, self-esteem, purpose and inner fire. Including a cord cutting ritual from anyone who might’ve blocked full expression of needs in the past which might be affecting now.

🌱 The higher powers to activate a deeper trust in the bigger picture of life and your mission here.

I cannot explain with words how powerful this is, so if there is an activation of excitement when reading this, say yes. What if that is the evidence of your body wisdom calling you?

You can choose to up-level your life within an online group or have a complete bespoke package made especially for you 1:1. (By that I absolutely do not mean a diet plan)

Next date for the group is Tuesday 2nd April and Thursday 4th April 2024.

A 5 week online immersion including a 1:1 30 minute session with Eloise.

The exchange: £333. Payment plans are available so there’s no reason to not do this if it feels right.

(EARLY BIRD OFFER: save £33 when you book before March 11th)

Or if you wish to explore this in a 1:1 container then receive 5 bespoke sessions entirely crafted to your needs. Investment £555 and I have space for 2 people for this ✨

This course will be running at the beginning of each season. For the rest of 2024 this will be

July 2nd Summer

Oct 1st Autumn

Old habits are unstuck and new habits are installed. Upgrade, uplevel and deepen your spiritual connection to make your life as good as possible ✨